Thursday, December 13, 2007

Write a Letter to Your Staff

Perhaps you are challenged by the task of having to write a letter to your staff?

Recently I wrote the following letter to our law firm staff.


Be sincere.

Be Precise: Your written "voice" should be reflected in your words, to get your point across.

Mention the "painfully obvious" even though some staff members will not appreciate
it. Remember, if you don't say "Stop" people will keep going. We had parties in the
past where staffers got drunk, acted crazy, or disappeared during clean-up.
------------------------------------------Letter Follows----------------
Good morning All,

One week from today is the PERSILY & ASSOCIATES HOLIDAY PARTY. It is being held at The Four Seasons Building (Thursday, December 20th at 75 14th Street, from 7:30-9:30pm).

This is not a party for US, but a private function for our shared Client Portfolios. We are expecting 80 guests but it would not surprise me to see between 100-150 guests.

Therefore it is mandatory we help each other that evening as we greet our 2008 Persily Family of Business. This means arriving early for set-up and staying until the party ends to help with clean-up. Working as a team, this short party will be easy.

Every staff member is important. We have worked hard in 2007 to build relationships with our customers, and this night we will put a "face" and a smile to our company's reputation for quality. You are a testament to this.

I have included instructions below on how you can help. Thanks again for your hard work and support for marketing.

When you arrive: Please arrive by 6:35pm. The party is being held on the 50th floor.

Valet park your car and bring the ticket up to the party with you.
This gives us 55 minutes to go over last minute details. We will have guests arriving early, we always do.

Guests must check-in at a Persily table as they exit the elevator. There will be food areas, a dessert area, and a bar area. These areas will be catered and manned. So you won't have to do much, but help us keep the area clear of trash.

But you will have to "network". College professors call this "social capitalism" but it's basically "making money with your mouth open".

The time for us to chat with each other will come later. Please speak with our guests and "engage" them. People love to talk about themselves! "How's your company? What about this crazy market? Can we help your business somehow?"

These are all conversations business people have daily. Please show a genuine interest though, or do not engage. Nothing is worse than someone asking a question and then not listening to my answer. It gives a poor impression. We want our clients to trust us more and see how much we care for them. Showing this is easy for all of you, I know this. It just needed to be emphasized. Thank you for this.

When guests arrive, Lynn will greet them and make sure they either drop their business card or sign-in with Name, Company, email, & phone. EVERY GUEST SHOULD RECEIVE A GREETING. Folks let's make it different each time. "Hello" "How's it going?" "That's a great coat, welcome" "Long elevator ride to the top, eh?" "How is everybody tonight?" "Did anyone bring me a present?" Make 'em smile. Keep it jovial. All of these comments keep the "general effect" of the party warm from the moment of arrival.

Please dress-up for this event. Consider it a Black Tie Affair. Men are expected to wear suits and ties. Everyone should have their name tag. Bring your own business cards and hand them out. We are a boutique firm and have to work together this night. I would like to see everyone give me a short report the week afterward on who we might pursue for additional business in 2008.

You are my eyes and ears in four rooms next Thursday!

Thanks again for your support.

Ray Macon
Client Relations Manager