Monday, February 5, 2007

Writing Backwards:Trapped in Time

Q: Could you give me an exercise for writing backwards on the time line?

This is a fun section. Be aware of the older places you visit which need renovations or structural makeovers. Is this place or room "trapped in time?" And what decade is it?

It's harder to guess the exact year than decade, but you can refine your knowledge of object-clues, allowing you to instantly remember what year the owner stopped caring for the place.

Taking it back to the page, we often are afraid to finish a scene because you want the character to open a refrigerator or washing machine but think "...what TYPE of washing machine did they have back in those days?"

To overcome these problems I will leave a blank line on the page:

"...she opened the Whirlpool _______ and pulled out a Fresca."

When you are in re-write to near completion, go back and fill in the blanks. Research everything, so to look knowledgeable. The Internet is a great tool for period research.

"...she opened the Whirlpool Duel Frost Spectrum and pulled out a lukewarm Fresca."

Don't put the project down because
you are unfamiliar with the time line!

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