Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Refuse to Participate in a Recession Lesson 1: Two "In" Words for You

I'm RM and I Refuse To Participate In A Recession!

That is, the new BNI lesson "Withstanding Economic Difficulty"

There are even buttons with this saying, and when we were going over the materials for this Seminar I suddenly grew very sad. I know you're working professionals and don't have an hour and a half for an extended lesson.

So over the next few weeks I will be going over some of the principles so that when January comes, you can continue with your success.

I want to say that one more time: ...You will continue your success.

I liked the title of the lesson, refusing to participate in a recession. I felt, even at 43 years old, I was familiar with the topic.

I remember in 1975 & 1976, I was 11 years old. I knew something wasn't right.

My parents were P.O.'ed---angry and afraid of the economy, the post Vietnam world was a scary place, and still the Sandinista War droned in the background of TVs. Things seemed hopeless.

"Moneybags, moneybags, you think I'm made of moneybags!" my Mother would say in frustration. That's when I asked the neighbor to let me sweep his basement. Another lady up the street let me cut her grass, then another. I was being industrious.

Soon I wasn't so quick to ask Mom when I needed a loan, I had the money.

My partner and I have thought about this a lot lately, and recently brought a couple more streams of income into our house by way of renters.

Just like many people, those industrious ones, are working right now to prepare. Do you have more than one stream of income? How can you bring another 2-3 streams of income into your home?

Today as you drive home I hope you think of ways you can put your unique spin on this...the first "In"---Industrious!

The second is something exciting to me. I met with a couple clients on Saturday who have come up with a great idea. Well---realistically it wasn't their idea but they are doing it...a 4" x 5" travel guide that can fit in your back pocket. In fact, they are calling it "The Pocket Rocket".

This excites me because I was able to say "...I wish I thought of that". But we have to recognize the Ingenuity around us. And these two men, with their moving forward with a new idea in this time, have used Ingenuity.

I ask that you also become aware that there are some people in this economy who will profit. These are the ones who will show Ingenuity during a time when others are showing despair. What new ideas are just waiting around you today? Recognize Ingenuity.

I'm RM and I Refuse To Participate In a Recession.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Speech I Wrote in 5 Minutes for a Ray Stand-In

"To your advantage---Remember it's a Small World."

Hello, I'm_____________.

Have you ever had an experience like this? You randomly get in the car and go somewhere and when arriving at this place see your next door neighbor?

Or better yet, you check into a hotel next to a person from your same hometown?

Disney had it right to create "It's a Small World". More and more, we are connected as a race. Television is everywhere. Cell phones are the new police officers. People in the city are especially connected because the room to move around is smaller.

How can we use this to our advantage?

You've been a fair business person, and have a great product. But do your neighbors know you?

The creators of BNI knew that it was good to be known. If your name is tossed around by people, that's extra advertising for you, right? And FREE advertising, at that!

What's the harm in saying "hello" to the person in the office across the hall, maybe they don't need your services, but they know people.

Harry Page, CEO for Lincoln Associates for more than 30 years says this "...we don't have competitors, WE ONLY HAVE FRIENDS."

Isn't this a great philosophy? when we look at the world like this, adopting an attitude of "enough business to go around" VS "Fear the competition" it opens our eyes to neighbors.

And neighbors will always point the way to a friend's house.

I'm _____________ and LUCKILY---It's a Small World!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Holiday Sales Promotion

David Page & I have started our Holiday Sale promotion, and this project is keeping us very busy.

We are trying to hand-out 1,000 cards in 30 days, in hopes people will utilize the automated features.

Web Site: Has been improved and deserves a check: http://www.page-enterprises.net/

In the Meantime: Finishing touches on M w/H and the new play I've written called NETWORKING.

Ray Macon
Page Printing

Monday, November 3, 2008

Great Wacky Photos

I was researching some stuff this weekend and came across a photostream for Photographer Mattijn:


Friday, October 31, 2008

All Hallows Eve 2008 TREAT

What are you for Halloween?

Of course our Roommate Tippy-Toed (John---weighs all of 94 pounds and is a Size 0) is playing Tinkerbell.

We are going as Star Trekk guys who have captured TiNKeR-BELL (TNKR-BELL), an alien, and taking her back to the past.

Very funny. We can't even get her outta the bar much less the atmosphere of this planet to the Mother Ship!

Rented the costumes last night in a store filled with adults scrambling for ideas. I also have Spock ears!

We are going to some new swanky restaurant at 9pm.

What are you doing???

For a great new song go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Da3qrozMv4 and hear Marilyn Manson singing This Is Halloween from A Nightmare Before Christmas Re-Release!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

National Philanthropy Day

According to Wikipedia: One who practices philanthropy may be called a philanthropist. Although such individuals are often rich, people may perform philanthropic acts without possessing great wealth.
I gave this speech this morning with the help of my fantastic BNI Group, the Buckhead Business Network International (10/28/2008):

Good Morning, I'm Ray Macon. Today we have no paragraphs of wisdom. Nothing to refer-to, or look-at, or read. We all know this stuff already! The Founder of BNI, Ivan Misner, is probably somewhere giving this same wisdom today, a lesson about the Rubber Chicken Network.

Today is one of those "Nationally Recognized Days" can anyone tell me what its themed? Today is a very big day for a very big industry in the USA. I'll give you a hint: fundraisers will benefit on this day.

Today is National Philanthropy Day. Fundraising is a big business in the United States. These people who spearhead such Non Profits are great salesmen and women and have no problem walking into the biggest skyscraper and asking the Biggest Company "Whose In Charge? We need..."

Today the Atlanta Kiwanis Club is sponsoring the event at the Georgia World Congress Center.
I'm going. I've volunteered. Why? Well, for starters, a group of great people like that, who are always planning events to help other people, need programs. They need posters, sandwich boards, thank-you notes. They need to know a printer who can save them money. More than anything, they need good hearted volunteers.

Ivan Misner, the Founder of BNI, recognized that some of his Inner Circle Friends were involved in some difficult professions---who did he know who could use their services? Referrals were hard to give to some of these friends! So he got out there, to the small clubs, worked with others in charity events, and raised money for causes.

He got invited to speak at a local business club, similar to the Kiwanis. This led to other opportunities. Many of these organizations are looking for speakers to fill their calendars.
Misner seized the opportunity, and so today we are doing an experiment for him.

Each of us are involved in Service Organizations, and I'd like us to list them. These are the Boy Scouts, the Atlanta Fundraising Professionals, what are the others?

(KIM BRINKMAN writes on Dry Erase Board)

Cub Scouts/ Boy & Girl Scouts/

These are great because you're sitting around watching them instruct your kids. You've tied that knot before. I tell you, men & women can get business this way, sharing the burden of boredom. Why not talk business? Ask "...what do you do for a living, Bob?"

Men & Women Against Domestic Violence

Volunteer at a place like this, and you'll make some friends. People are moved to "give up their stories". But when you hear about a person's struggle and really listen---they remember. What a better way to break through the 7 layers of trust, mention your business. These people have a compassion to help others. And they will help you.

Breast Cancer Walk

Last year I staked a place at the middle of the Finish Line on the Susan Komen Foundation 3-Day Walk from Athens to Atlanta. I clapped until my hands hurt. Women would hug me, and kiss me on the cheek. I didn't know who they were, but some of them gave me a set of tears.
By appreciating a struggle we become a part of it.

(BNI Group lists some other non-profits)

So you see, opportunity awaits each of us. I'd like to close today with a story:

Just two weeks ago I volunteered to hand-out water at a race/walk for charity. I worked shoulder-to-shoulder with a man who let me bid on his Organization's printing last season, but he didn't pick me to do his printing.

After our volunteer work was finished, he promised to let me bid again. I think this time I have a better chance.

I'm Ray Macon. Enjoy National Philanthropy Day.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Clearing-up some small details

Today our softball practice was cancelled due to the standing water on the fields. It would have been our first practice; getting ready for the Hurricane Showdown Tournament in Ft. Lauderdale.

Anyway, now I've got plenty of time to go and workout. Also I figured I would use the day to get a bunch of stuff ready for Phillip King, my Editor.

We continue to get interest in the Applause for Anger project. If you know of someone who might be interested, have them email me teamedward@yahoo.com

Friday, October 24, 2008

Welcome Tommy Sweeny, Author of the Jacaranda

The following is an excerpt from Jacaranda, by Tommy Sweeny. I read it years ago and promised to use it in my books if ever I got published.

The story is self-explanatory, two people meeting while one is on vacation.


To what angel do I yield?

That day I leaned on the trunk of that tree –you were miles away
. . . across that purple city
– I photographed some ants toting the violet blooms down the trunk
to their hiding space
and I wondered what we would have for dinner
later that evening when I returned home
and would surely have to knock, key or not, as the doors and the
keys down in your country are strange.
Do they eat those, I wondered.
Those purple buds –those tokens of the time we shared -- those symbols of your city.
They carried them on their backs like they were going to a feast.

We clung together as in a dream.
We cling together now from separate hemispheres.
Distance is discipline.

To what stern teacher do I aim
my gratitude for this lesson in fortitude?

Nothing is now nor ever has been as sweet
as the misery of continents.

(continued http://www.applauseforanger.blogspot.com/ )

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Call for Submissions APPLAUSE for ANGER

We have started a collaborative book project.

If you know of someone who would like to make a short submission, have them email me.

The study is called Applause For Anger, and we are looking for short stories, poetry, and artwork. So far we have some great additions to the project.

The theme is beauty in anger, and the transmission of anger to strength.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ear Candy: "Anti" by John Brown

If you want to hear an underground song that will "...stick with you during these rough times", listen to "ANTI" by our close friend John Brown.


Educational Moment/ BNI 10/21/2008

This morning I had to give a 3-minute Educational Moment to our Buckhead Business Network.
Good Morning, I'm Ray Macon.

Today we are taking a short reading from Brian Tracy's book Be a Sales Superstar.

Brian grabs Dale Carnegie's coat tails and advises:

"...practice positive self talk continually. Control your inner dialogue. Talk to yourself the way you want to be rather the the way you are today. For example..."

Now this is going to seem like the corniest stuff you've ever heard at 7:22am!

"...repeat to yourself, I Fell Happy, I Feel Healthy, I Feel Terrific.

Remember 95% of our emotions are determined the way you think to yourself, most of the time. The way you feel determines how you behave.

And how you behave determines how much you sell." (Courtesy Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.)

Now I'm going to try and read your Inner Radios. I cannot. It's impossible to know the way you are thinking. So we cannot Coach Each Other to get better at it.

In fact, today the only scientific method, and is it even scientific(?) to understand your attitude is ask the old cliche' (pointing to glass on table) is this object, Half Full or Half Empty? It's a parable, a theorem for measuring your Outlook on Life.

I mentioned Dale Carnegie has anyone in the room taken a Dale Carnegie Course? In that course they teach you a phrase. Oh my gosh I've been so brain damaged by it, but it does work:
"If I think enthusiastic, I will be enthusiastic."

You're supposed to repeat that all the time before a sales call. Just before getting off the elevator, say it. It puts you in a peppy mood, and people want to buy from people who are peppy about their products.

My mother used to leave Post-It Notes around the house. Especially on the mirrors in the bathroom. I Love Myself. I Am a Good Person. I Deserve the Best.

She didn't need them for herself. See--she had already mastered the art of controlling her inner dialogue. She wanted other people to look at themselves in the mirror and want to say that.

I will close today with this one thought for you in this difficult economy. Maybe that's your one concern, but it's eating you up. You are thinking in your own radio "I'm just hangin' on by a shoestring."

I ask: are you hangin' on by a shoestring or are you A SURVIVOR?

Yes, you've surrounded yourself with success driven people and they--- too--- are Survivors!

I'm Ray Macon. ...and for the Record: I'm a Good Person.

Compliment and Kind Words from new Friend/Writer Elaine Callahan



I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciated your education advice this morning at the BNI meeting. Good advice, especially now.

I had read on yourblog your parents were Dale Carnegie instructors, but I wasn't sure if you were just pulling our leg! :)

All the best,

Callahan Design

Monday, October 20, 2008

Poems with Issues

I'm trying to include Tommy Sweeny's lengthy poem, The Jacaranda, in my collection of Poems with Issues, APPLAUSE for ANGER. It's a great story about loving someone a half a world away.

The Site: It's R-Rated for Language. To take a peek, go to the following blog:


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Networking-A play by Ray Macon

This site will be running in a few days. I apologize but I'm now writing off of three different PCs. The one containing 30 pages of Networking-the Play isn't' as yet playing along with others.

For a preview of this ridiculously real story about Professionals who network, go to

Song from Extravagance: Deluxe, like the Vacuum!

This is the scene where Margeaux has become very sick with her cancer, and husband David attempts to raise her spirits. The song is very rhythmic. The mood is happy, an instant party where things are pulled from the back of the stage like a closet. At the end of the song, the audience will see Danny, who "comes out" to his parents. They embrace him, and the song stands as a parable to "...use or lose it.", even love?
Time, time, time!

(Orchestration: Let’s go Deluxe)

Too much reality, too many sames.
I want, well—the Ritz, but for now I’ll take
A tux
A top hat
A good song
Anything deluxe!

I want to have a party, a place for
You and me
To celebrate the doldrums
The Days of Winter
Let’s reach deep inside us

Deluxe? Like the vacuum?


Deluxe? Stored in a closet?

Yes! Deluxe! There for the Taking! Deluxe!

Always there. Unnoticed!
Like a great Couture with feathers
The closet surely a Netherworld of Rare wear Pain

The cedar! The scent of Old yet Cedar
The dress in the back of the closet
You always meant to wear!
Now it wastes away.
In the closet!

Stored in a closet?

Yes! Deluxe!
There for the Taking!

Always there. Unnoticed!
Like a great Couture with feathers
The closet surely a
of Rare wear

Let’s go deluxe!
It’s about good storage!
It’s the “…one day, I’ll use it,
To toss would be abuse it,” pain!
And yes, just like the vacuum,
These maxims
are drivin’ us mad!

(in full regalia, dressed formally)
Deluxe, like the sayin
These clothes were made for prayin
And wearing for special ‘casions

Deluxe! Not just for storage
Or a Pity Party Porridge
The things we really should ‘cast aside?
I’m for givin’ it a once, then ‘bide.

Deluxe, like the sayin
These clothes were made for savin
And wearing for special ‘casions
Lookie here, what we have?
The parcel’s unopened…
A cancelled stamp marked Hobokken!
Look! A wild and feathery hat!

Well, that’s Deluxe!
Throw it back into the closet, who knows?
One day sure it’ll make deposit
Or make a smart investor row!

To last until the show!
To last until the show!

Voices Offstage
Last until the show.
Last until the show!

(small Orchestral break)

(picking-up the silence as something he’s missed…)

That’s Deluxe, store it!
Someday would be worth some bucks?
To toss would be “Ahhw shucks!”
You coulda’ been Deluxe!

You coulda’ been Deluxe!
You coulda’ been Deluxe!
The choices we make, Baby burn!
This Life’s a Run From Funeral Urn!
Better to have chosen Deluxe.
Better to have chosen Deluxe!
Time is just a seethin
Pulled from closets,
It’s Poor Taste from where you’re bleedin’!

Musty smell…Tennis Balls?
Oh yeah I feel Deluxe!

Suck it up!
You’re my favorite Dame
For you I’ll play these games…

The Games? The games stored in the closet?

(He peers inside the closet, and a light appears across 3 faves…)
Life? Clue? Sorry!

Well played!
And that’s the way it goes.

…too much reality! Too many sames.
Wanted a Ritz but was Shot Down in Flames
For the moment I’d take
Some quiet time
A good tux MARGEAUX
A baseball hat… a Good Song!

That’s Deluxe, store it!
Someday would be worth some bucks?
It’s not a thing, but Luck!
To toss would be “Ahhw shucks!”
You coulda’ been Deluxe!

You coulda’ been Deluxe!
You coulda’ been Deluxe!
The choices we make, Baby burn!
This Life’s a Run From Funeral Urn!
Better to have chosen Deluxe.
Better to have chosen Deluxe!

Time is just a seethin
Pulled from closets,
It’s Poor Taste from
where you’re bleedin’!

…excuse me Staff and David and Family and Family of Dogs.
I guess…we’re having a party!
A Deluxe Party.

(…looking aghast but playing along)

Like the Vacuum...the Deluxe?
Stored in the closet?

(Giving them odd looks, they disperse)

(to Margeaux)
…it’s always there.

(knowing he is speaking of their love)
Unnoticed…in the back, but still with you.

…the stacking and storing

…of Love?

…of wealth!

…too much stored in a closet!

…and for Love?

…too much stored in a closet!

…the stacking and storing away.
I’d rather not deal with some things.

Too much Guilt overflowing these closets!
This closet we call Our Love?

(Orchestral break, whose feeling should express “are we meant to stay together?”)

The closet suddenly opens to reveal DANNY, at the direct back, sitting on the floor.

Mom? Dad?


My Son. You’ve been gone…so long.
(DAVID falls to his knees, sobbing)

(through tears)
My Darling!
Welcome Home.
I’m so sorry.
So very, very, sorry.”
We love you just the way you are, and always will.

Yes, yes…

Too much emotion
…stored in a closet.

Too much Guilt.
Stacked, neatly stored away.

I’ve reached a New Time.
I want to move forward.

I’ll change! I’ll choose!
…and get over this Pain!

Better choose Deluxe!
Better learn Deluxe!
Time is just a seethin
Certain disbelieving
Rotten, smelly Closet Guest…
Better choose Truth!

I see you chose Deluxe!
Deluxe, like the sayin
These clothes were made for prayin
And wearing for special ‘casions

Well, that’s Deluxe!
Throw it back into the closet, who knows?
One day sure it’ll make deposit
Or make a smart investor row!

To last until the show!
To last until the show!

Voices Offstage

(insisting MARGEAUX and DANNY hug him as tight as possible, the next lines are partially sang and spoken)
That’s Deluxe,we stored it!
Maybe not so worth such bucks?
It’s not a thing, but Luck!
To toss would’ve been “Ahhw shucks!”
…and even when Life Sucks
You’ll always be Deluxe!

Deluxe,we stored it!
Incalculable bucks?
It’s not a thing, but Luck!
…and even when Life Sucks
You’ll always be Deluxe!
You’ll always be Deluxe!

(Orchestral fade)

(whispered, fading…)
…and now to the Crossing!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Networking-the Musical

Over the last day I have written 10 pages. You're going to love it.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Working on Stuff for Editor

This week I have a personal deadline to get some stuff over to my Editor Phillip King.

To read a preview of my story, Manley, with Horns! go to this blog: http://www.raymacon.blogspot.com

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Just Ask for It-A Lesson From Atlanta Cotillion

I played the role of Vale Camile "Cammy" Beauchamps at the end of an exhausting 7 fundraiser parties which lead to 2007's Atlanta Cotillion Benefiting AID Atlanta.

There's a magic 3-letter word that was taught to me by The Members.

The word itself---ASK---seemed insanely simple. However, in the World of Business, this one word of advice has evoked millions and millions in exchanged dollars.

That year I made a lot of speeches on the Atlanta Networking Circuit, using these as opportunities to rally others for the Cotillion's cause. Most parties were $20.---not a lot to pay for catered food, cocktails, and entertainment.

From business breakfasts to charity functions I invited people to these small parties. We had two fashion events (including Designer Bill Hallman and Actor Princess Charles) a block party, a gambling night on 7/7/7 and a couple of others things that are now blurred in retrospect.

Around town I made my pitch as to how the strength of a real service organization was shown in the number of people It could help who arrived at the front door, when help was needed most.

I retold a story of how AID Atlanta actually took a homeless man to Piedmont Hospital and paid for some $5,000 in emergency care. Homeless people view GLBT Service Organizations as people empathetic to their cause. This is a good thing.

The monies raised during the Cotillion Season go to help in extra moments like that, when quick money is unavailable.

One day, at the end of my Cotillion Fundraising Season in 2007, an older gentleman, a bank president, came up to me after a speech. He asked "...how much do you have, and how much do you need to make your goal?"

"I have $22,000---want to raise at least $25,000" I smiled.

"Follow me to my car," he said, and there wrote me a $3,000 check. He got tears in his eyes, "...your speech, it, uh, moved me."

That's when I realized that asking was the first step in getting to the big help!

MORE: Stay Tuned for Discussion of The Lucky (Break) Principle

Monday, October 6, 2008

Update: Extravagance play

There's two more transitions needed for Act 1. Other than that, it's brilliant.

The 2nd Act sucks. It has to have more written into it. I'm currently worried about the 2nd Act.

I am trying to get it ready for Composer Larry Court.

By the way Larry Court took me around Outwrite Books the other day with Owner/Friend Phillip Rafshoon. He gave me 3 of his books and a CD of his music, sang by an Angel of a Tenor.

It's great to know writers, musicians and artists.

They Tossed TippyToed and Bench Pressed Him

Our Renter TT and I watched the RUGBY TEAMS play on Saturday, near Little 5 Points. Atlanta Bucks VS the Nashville Something.

What a great time, seeing all these guys with their tree trunk legs all hugging and pushing each other around the field! It's rough, though!

They do these head on the shoulders lifts, and several other rules we had to figure out on our own. "What's he doing?" "Where's the ball?" "We have the ball , right?" and "Why'd they do THAT for?" ...was the common confused theme!

Anyway they are playing Charlotte North Cackalacky on the 25th..Saturday at 1pm at Sammy Coen Middle School. We'll be leaving from my house at 12:15 so we can catch the warm-up. Usually the event is followed by a big beer drinking fiesta at FROG'S.

Last Saturday the guys tossed 94 pound John (Pissant/TippyToed in HSL) up and about. One guy, who looked as Irish as one of your Grandfathers, BENCHED HIM, in front of the crowd!

So yesterday TT awoke with bruises on his legs. Anyway, that's gotta make the Calendar! And it's FREE.
Also next Sunday from 2-5pm each of our Fall Ball Teams have to "give up a team member stripper" to dance on the bar at BJ Roosters (LaVista/Cheshire Bridge) against the other teams. This should be a blast! Each of the 9 teams have to have speedos which match a "best costume" is being given. The Red team has already threatened their hunk would be wearing red sequins on his trunks!

From Dark Green----We volunteered TippyToed because he can fit into an earring sleeve and look like it's too big for him! Anyway, he's acting like he doesn't want to do it, but what a HAM! Hope you guys can make it!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pitch for SoVo Column Ask a Business Person


I ran into the Editor of the Southern Voice recently at a GLBT Travel Expo.

"..how does one become a Columnist?" I asked "...I have an idea for a column."

He was gentle spirit. He slipped me his card. "Well, send me an email," he said "...what's your idea for a column?"

"It's a cross between Dear Abbey and that feeling if you don't get advice soon you're going to bash the competition ---or better yet a Co-Worker---in an upcoming business presentation."

The Editor smiled.

"I write all the time, and would bring in re-enforcements to make sure I was giving the best advice."

"Shoot me an email," he said, "...we'll talk."

Monday, September 1, 2008

Long Strange Trip

Thanks for sticking with me. Since we've last talked I have been involved with a bunch of projects!

The biggest news...my softball team traveled to Seattle, Washington and won 2nd place at the GSWS.

More news to follow!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Blog Sabbatical

I have taken a "Raise..." Sabbatical to create and publish "Manley...with horns!"

In December of 2007 my Editor, Judy Bozarth, suggested:"...write something from experience, something you totally believe in."

"...I've been through brain surgery. Hell, I believe I'm lucky, in a sense." I had whispered.

For a brief moment, she and I looked at each other. We exchanged the silent familiar heartaches.

"WRITE about IT." Judy said. "You may have to start over. But write it."

Here is the Prologue to my story, about a 7-year old boy who awakes one day with antlers. It's a story for anybody who is still a kid, and on the inside fears the old game, OPERATION.

PROLOGUE (Atlanta) Under a birch tree during a freak rainstorm I looked-up from my winter cap to see two protruding branches going forward about seventeen feet!

It looked like I had antlers.I wondered what it would be like to wake up and have a pair of horns---like antlers?

I moved my head from side-to-side as if the tree branch antlers above would move with me! Ridiculous.

As I stood there in the rain, under the trunk's protective branches I thought about how one morning I had awaken to antlers, of sort.

That October 2005 morning during a normal visit to my doctor, I learned that I had a brain tumor.

Lucky---mine was the most common non-cancerous tumor, a Pituitary Adenoma. The doctor said it was a mass on my pituitary gland, inhibiting it from producing (important body hormones such as, in my case), testosterone.

As a Blanket Statement my mother always said "...men never go the doctor unless it's about their You-Know-Whats" and in my case, well...that was part of the reason.

I felt like my energy level was very low, and I rarely wanted to work-out at the gym. I just needed testosterone--- yet had a tumor that "wasn't life threatening but WAS libido & vision threatening,".

It was scary.I worked my way through that problem, with the help of many people, including Ron Leathers. THANKS to everyone for that.

So under the limb of that tree I began to create a synopsis for a children's book: Manley---with Horns! ...which would be a metaphor about the entire tumor experience.

Something is identified as being there, and needing to be removed. Surgery would await and all the scary micro seconds that entailed including hours of laying in a hospital bed. Dealing with crying relatives and others who seemed to think the surgery meant certain death!

Recovery, and all the strange dreams that went along with being drugged so one can heal. Actually learning to walk again, and hold your head up without feeling so dizzy your head might fall and burst like an melon on the floor! Reflection, and whether that was even done, or done properly.

The story sounds heavy,but it is told with humor and a light tone.

However unique the experience was to me, the event is not mine to own. ---RR
For a Preview, visit: http://www.raymacon.blogspot.com

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Manly---with Horns! by Ray Macon

Imagine waking one day with a pair of antlers!

...You sleep on your back, don't you?


Friday, January 11, 2008

Synopsis: Manly---with horns!

Under a birch tree during a freak rainstorm I looked-up from my winter cap from my forehead to see two protruding branches going forward about seventeen feet! It looked like I had antlers!

I wonder what it would be like to wake up one morning and have a pair of horns like antlers? I moved my head from side-to-side as if the tree branch antlers would move with me! Ridiculous.

As I stood there in the rain, under the trunk's protective branches I thought about how one morning I had awaken to antlers, of sort. That October 2005 morning during a normal visit to my doctor, I learned that I had a brain tumor.

Lucky---mine was the most common non-cancerous tumor, a Pituitary Adenoma. The doctor said it was a mass on my pituitary gland, inhibiting it from producing (important body hormones such as, in my case), testosterone.

As a Blanket Statement my mother always said "...men never go the doctor unless it's about their You-Know-Whats" and in my case, well...that was part of the reason. I felt like my energy level was very low, and I rarely wanted to work-out at the gym. I just needed testosterone--- yet had a tumor that "wasn't life threatening but WAS libido & vision threatening,". It was scary.

I worked my way through that problem, with the help of many people, including Ron Leathers. THANKS to everyone for that.

So under the limb of that tree I began to create a synopsis for a children's book: Manly---with Horns! ...which would be a metaphor about the entire tumor experience.

Imagine: Something is identified as being there, and needing to be removed. Surgery would await and all the scary micro seconds that entailed including hours of laying in a hospital bed. Dealing with crying relatives and others who seemed to think the surgery meant certain death! Recovery, and all the strange dreams that went along with being drugged so one can heal. Actually learning to walk again, and hold your head up without feeling so dizzy your head might fall and burst like an melon on the floor! Reflection, and whether that was even done, or done properly.

The story sounds heavy,but it is told with humor and a light tone. However unique the experience was to me, the event is not mine to own. ---RR

---(for complete story go to

It Begins

One warm spring morning Joseph Manly awoke with a pounding in his head! The pain was mainly on his forehead. "Momma," he called "...I need an aspirin."

He upped from the bed and ran into the bathroom. For several minutes, he ruled the family- sized mirror.

The image showed a boy.

A normal boy in pajamas.

A normal boy except that he had HORNS!

They were small antlers, but horns nonetheless.

Manly's mother, a woman who never missed the small moments in Life, came into the bathroom. When she saw Manly, she screamed! "Darling, what has happened?"

"I dunno!" Manly shrugged and ran back to his bed in a flutter of socks and blankets.

http://www.raymacon.blogspot.com/ )

The Page Family Influence

Those of use without vast resources for college must circumvent the Masters degree and MBA by finding a real "winner" to model. One can learn a lot by truly listening to the minute-by-minute conversations from a person we see or observe as "truly successful".

Some families breed success. One such family are the Pages, with four sons.

I work for one of the Page brothers, David Page, owner of Page Enterprises Printing Solutions. At 36 and 200 pounds of bodybuilding muscle, he is a good person.

According to him, he has no enemies. Who really says that?

I have seen him "...take the high road" too many times before to know less!-- David Page has great character.

I owe much of what I have become the past 6 months, since the Cotillion, to David Page. I was tired of being a follower. One day last summer, I awoke resolved to be a leader!

And what a better role model to follow---David was a brave individual, and a self-made man.

David has been very patient with me, and seems to like me "...without borders". My Life is better today because of his friendship. Thanks to David I have learned a whole new industry and am on my way to being a successful businessman as well.

In his Honor---and as a Token of Thanks, I offer the following poem to everyone who is in the middle of a career change:

The Litany Against Fear

I must not fear.

Fear is the mind-killer.

Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

I will face my fear.I will permit it to pass over me and through me, like a reed on the wind.

And when it has gone past I will turn to see its path.

Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.

Only I will remain.

I must not fear.

Fear is the mind-killer...

(Taken from DUNE by Frank Herbert)

*=Puck is often thought of as a mischievous
nature spirit. However Puck is also a generalized personification of land spirits. Puck is known in throughout some lands and regions by other names and titles such as the Irish animal spirit.