Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Educational Moment/ BNI 10/21/2008

This morning I had to give a 3-minute Educational Moment to our Buckhead Business Network.
Good Morning, I'm Ray Macon.

Today we are taking a short reading from Brian Tracy's book Be a Sales Superstar.

Brian grabs Dale Carnegie's coat tails and advises:

"...practice positive self talk continually. Control your inner dialogue. Talk to yourself the way you want to be rather the the way you are today. For example..."

Now this is going to seem like the corniest stuff you've ever heard at 7:22am!

"...repeat to yourself, I Fell Happy, I Feel Healthy, I Feel Terrific.

Remember 95% of our emotions are determined the way you think to yourself, most of the time. The way you feel determines how you behave.

And how you behave determines how much you sell." (Courtesy Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.)

Now I'm going to try and read your Inner Radios. I cannot. It's impossible to know the way you are thinking. So we cannot Coach Each Other to get better at it.

In fact, today the only scientific method, and is it even scientific(?) to understand your attitude is ask the old cliche' (pointing to glass on table) is this object, Half Full or Half Empty? It's a parable, a theorem for measuring your Outlook on Life.

I mentioned Dale Carnegie has anyone in the room taken a Dale Carnegie Course? In that course they teach you a phrase. Oh my gosh I've been so brain damaged by it, but it does work:
"If I think enthusiastic, I will be enthusiastic."

You're supposed to repeat that all the time before a sales call. Just before getting off the elevator, say it. It puts you in a peppy mood, and people want to buy from people who are peppy about their products.

My mother used to leave Post-It Notes around the house. Especially on the mirrors in the bathroom. I Love Myself. I Am a Good Person. I Deserve the Best.

She didn't need them for herself. See--she had already mastered the art of controlling her inner dialogue. She wanted other people to look at themselves in the mirror and want to say that.

I will close today with this one thought for you in this difficult economy. Maybe that's your one concern, but it's eating you up. You are thinking in your own radio "I'm just hangin' on by a shoestring."

I ask: are you hangin' on by a shoestring or are you A SURVIVOR?

Yes, you've surrounded yourself with success driven people and they--- too--- are Survivors!

I'm Ray Macon. ...and for the Record: I'm a Good Person.

1 comment:

Martha said...

Your mom needed those post it notes as badly as anyone...and still has them scattered about...only today, she is given to writing something positive on her hand...anything to change the negative self talk!!!
Love you,
your mom