Friday, January 19, 2007

Idea for a Story: "Imagined Letters to Robert Torti"

Recently I saw Robert Torti in the role of Jesus in Showtime's "Reefer Madness, the Musical". He was very good. In fact, he plays the Holy One as a rather cool cat. And it was a thrill to see the piece in the Celestial Ballroom edited so that Jesus could be in the audience with a follower and watch himself on stage at the same time doing a great Wayne Newton.

I looked-up Robert Torti's impressive bio and found that he gives his personal email for his fans. I think this is really great and I was going to shoot him a letter.

But I had trouble composing the letter in my mind. What was I to say? "You make the Best Jesus" or something even cornier like "...I'm really a big fan of you and Jesus BOTH."

I mean, as dumb as it sounds, I thought for days about writing him, but having played about 10 scenarios in my head I finally chucked the idea; settling instead for the pure satisfaction that if I was an actor I would too make myself readily available for fans. I'd also not wait on my agent to collect opportunities!

Then, with all the sweet thoughts I was sending in Torti's direction I had a horrible thought: actors often are unemployed between roles. I hope between roles he doesn't have to stand on the highway with a sign reading "Homeless Omnipresent" or even worse---have to watch his money and eat generic brands like me. I mean, he played the Lord of Hosts! Surely that gig pays royalties into infinity?

Then I got an idea for a story: A man watches a show where someone plays the role of Jesus. The man meets the actor---who is really nice--- and the man convinces himself that the actor is really the Christ. Although the actor is just a man in need of more acting jobs and so he is friendly to his fans and allows them to contact him. It's a classic case of projecting and stalking which all begins with a guy blogging about an actor...!

HA. Gotcha!

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